Saturday, October 28, 2006
Part 3
The Reality.
My Friend. My Lord. My Savior.
I testify that He lives and that He loves us. What He has done for all of humanity can never be equaled. He has given all of us the oppurtunity for Eternal life. We need only come unto Him and be forgiven.
He is our brother, our Lord and our Reedemer. Our advocate with the Father.
"Never a better Hero."
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
Part 2
The Explorer
"To boldly go where no man has gone before."
Captain James T. Kirk. As Captain of the USS Enterprise, he became the most famous Starfleet officer in Federation history.
Out of the original 12 Constitution class starships, his is the only one to complete a full five year mission. And then do it a second time. His courage defined him. Never afraid to defend his ship and crew, Captain Kirk showed valor in every mission.
His declared mission was to "explore new worlds, to seek out new life forms and new civilizations..." but all he ever really wanted to do was make a difference. Kirk worked to uphold the freedom of all sentient life forms that he met in his travels. He defended the Federation from aggressive enemies and promoted the ideals of freedom and justice.
Captain Kirk believed in the same basic truths that the founders of the United States put forth in the Constitution. He new these ideas were the best form of government possible among men.
Besides, he always got the chicks.